If you have found your way to this post it’s for one of two reasons. 1) You are an innocent bystander wondering what’s the deal behind fashion blogging, or 2) You are a fashion blogger looking for a laugh (but really to see if other girls struggle as hard as you sometimes). The world of fashion blogging can be very demanding. As we all know, Instagram and blog posts are the primped and polished final product of what can seem an endless struggle. Trust me, there is A LOT that goes on between conception and the final post. Imagine a wedding cake. You see it in it’s final form; in all of it’s glory. What you don’t see is all of the flour on the floor and walls, icing in the baker’s hair and broken egg shells scattered around. To me that is a prime example of the behind-the-scenes glamour of blogging. In this post I’m serving up 50 problems that all fashion bloggers can relate to.
Tell me in the comments below, what numbers are your favorites? What fashion blogger fails do you have to contribute?
1. When you stalk the mailman so hard he is contemplating a restraining order.
2. When you finish shooting and notice you had your black hair tie on your wrist the entire time.
3. When you last-minute paint your nails before a shoot, and realize you still have to get dressed with wet nails. Challenge accepted.
4. Wind – it can either be your best friend or worst enemy.
5. The panic that sets in when your photo shoot is Sunday and your delivery containing your outfit is scheduled for Monday.
6. That feeling when none of your 8 pairs of black pumps match your look.
7. That feeling when your Instagram husband tells you, “NO I WILL NOT TAKE YOUR PICTURES ANYMORE.”
8. The awkward feeling when pedestrians stop and stare at you while you’re striking a pose.
9. When it’s 105 degrees outside and you’re shooting in cashmere and jeans.
10. The devastation that overwhelms you when you’re editing pictures and there is an ugly leaf next to your shoe, but you can’t Photoshop it out.
11. The struggle of always having dog or cat hair on your clothes no matter how many sticky rolly things you go through.
12. When fake laughing, which generally gets cute pictures, turns into manic laughing, which isn’t so cute.
13. When you are drafting your blog post and your computer crashes. Whoop-dee-freaking-doo!
14. The reality that 90% of the time when you aren’t blogging or shooting you are in sweatpants.
15. The frustration that ensues when your pet won’t sit still for the damn photo.
16. When you can’t troubleshoot WordPress and you freak out. Then you just leave the issue as is, hoping it fixes itself.
17. That horrible feeling when you get the product and you actually hate it…
18. Demanding that your Instagram husband orders pretty food only for the sake of your flatlay.
19. Picking up trash in order to clean up the frame for your picture. Oh and, you know, saving the planet.
20. Getting asked to leave a museum because you broke the “no photo” rule. The things we do for Instagram.
21. When your hair just. won’t. behave.
22. Two words: unwarranted photobombers.
23. That stressful feeling when even Photoshop can’t save your bad pictures. It’s okay, just throw another filter on it. It will be okay… I hope.
24. When your aesthetics are not on fleek.
25. The tormenting argument between your heart and credit card when shopping for new clothes.
26. Having glowing skin for weeks leading up to a big shoot, and then the morning of having a “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” zit.
27. When you forget how to pose and your pictures are just you… standing there…
28. When your forced “natural smile face” actually looks quite demonic. And your Instagram husband doesn’t hesitate to tell you.
29. The stress when your Instagram feed does not flow like the Nile.
30. When the food isn’t pretty enough for the Instagram picture you were planning.
31. That shameful feeling when you realize you forgot to put on lipstick until after the shoot is over.
32. When 25 out of 30 pictures are fails of you talking and/or making ugly faces.
33. During the entire time of the photo shoot your skirt was bunched up or your hair was going crazy, and your Instagram husband didn’t care to tell you.
34. Wearing sunglasses as part of your ‘look’ because you had zero motivation to put on eye makeup.
35. When you’re wearing a pencil skirt and you have a big pooch and tiny butt. And absolutely no vice versa.
36. The full-on freakout that ensues when you realize you have lipstick on your teeth after a shoot.
37. When your entire closet is on the floor and you are crying because you have nothing to wear.
38. Having “Anchorman” syndrome, where you have clothes on from the waist up to be on camera, but you have no pants on.
39. When you find a perfect spot to shoot and then a million people show up. Damn you tourists!
40. Ignorance is bliss when you go Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods JUST to snap pictures of flowers for Instagram that you may or may not actually purchase. But, probably not.
41. And then when you actually buy the flowers you have a black thumb and kill them all prior to the shoot.
42. That feeling when people ask why you only have one thumb nail painted and you have to explain that you needed a good shot holding a product…. And you were too lazy to paint all your nails. Hey! at least you’re honest!
43. When having an “Instagram Husband” is the leading cause of divorce in fashion blogging.
44. When the Instagram filters just don’t deliver.
45. That feeling when you send out an email to a brand and realize you had a major grammar error. Eeeek!
46. When you can’t suck it in because your body can’t handle the “full body flex” any longer since you ate a large meal before your photo shoot.
47. The hilarious pictures you flip through because you looked really bad while posing to take a bite of your food. Let’s face it, nobody looks cute while they are eating.
48. The devastation you feel when blogger girls in your Instagram chat groups spoil the Bachalorette episode you haven’t watched yet.
49. When there is one small sliver of shadow for you to stand in, but it doesn’t cover your entire body. Alas, unfortunate over-saturation.
50. And last but not least:
Thank you to these lovely blogger ladies who helped contribute to this post. Check out their blogs here:
The Style Lynn, Basking in Burgendy, PetiteModern, Must Heart Style, A Midwestern Mix, Blonde Amazon, and Trust Your Closet.
August 29, 2016These are hilarious and SO true!!! Fab post babe!! I really enjoyed this!!
August 29, 2016Thank you Ruthie, it was so funny reflecting on the crazy moments!!
August 29, 2016hahaha i loved reading this!!! 2, 7 and 33 are me to a tee!!!
xo Kelsey | http://www.chasingcinderellablog.com
August 29, 2016I’m glad I’m not the only one
August 29, 2016Hahahahaha oh man. Oh yes. This is spot on girl. Number 2 just gets me EVERY time. I’ve almost given up a la “hair ties are the perfect accessory for any outfit”…. the struggle is real!
August 29, 2016Right?! It’s the most frustrating feeling. For my shoot yesterday, after it finished, I went for mine to put my hair back and I couldn’t find one. I was so shocked I told my photographer that was probably the first time I have not accidentally worn one for a photo shoot!! Hahah.
A Graceful Life Blog
August 29, 2016OH MY GOSH, GIRL!!!! This is so freaking accurate. I did the “hair band on my wrist” at yesterdays photo-shoot and of course I looked at my hubby and said “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” hahaha
August 29, 2016Let’s just start telling people they are David Yurman hair ties so people will just accept them as aesthetically pleasing already ahaha!
August 29, 2016Hahaha yess these are so true! Especially number 32. My husband will somemtimes take those on purpose to be funny..
August 29, 2016Hahaha he’s just trying to capture the right moments from his eyes, which happen to be the most unflattering from ours! I bet he’s trying to entertain himself, my fiance does the same – UGH!
August 29, 2016Haha this is FANTASTIC! The struggles are real! I’m still dying over the cat ????
August 29, 2016That is the best snapchat I’ve seen in a while. Too funny
August 29, 2016Haha, truer words have never been spoken! #22 my kids photo bomb me all the time! I laughed out loud at #42 and even louder at #50. Using the cat for a background is priceless! I can’t stop laughing! Great job on compiling this list! Xx
August 29, 2016OMG isn’t the cat HILARIOUS!? I died when I saw it. It’s too funny (and relatable).
August 29, 2016OMG, I am dying laughing!!!! They are all so funny and true. Its so hard to decide which I like best. but 33 is always happens. 34, yes for the most part. And #1, I’ve checked my front door 3 times in the last hour. Thanks for writing this, Taylor! XO ~Anna http://www.pepperedinstyle.com
August 29, 2016Thanks so much for reading Anna! I just knew how crazy it can be and I wanted to make a post consolidating all of the struggles haha!
Nicole Leffew
August 29, 2016OMG this is my favorite post EVER!! I am seriously dying ????????????. My favorites are 2,4,12,14,15,18,29,33 and 50. Lol. Freaking hilarious.
August 29, 2016Thank you Nicole I’m glad you found it as funny as I did!
Tiffani at Breton Bay
August 29, 20169 – was just me last week…DYING in a cashmere sweater and it was 96 degrees outside (you can imagine how shiny my face looked!!) and. 12…I am NOT cute fake laughing!!! ADORED this post!!!!
August 29, 2016I’m not a cute fake laugher either hahaha! ???? It’s going to be a lot of fun shooting fall looks when it’s still hot and summer, she says sarcastically!
August 29, 2016Girrrlll i about fell out with number 2!!! Hahaha this is so me! Then number 33! Thanks for the laugh! We got to get our ig hubbies to cooperate a bit more! Im adding number 51…when your ig husband takes a reslly good shot, facial is one point, hair on point, the wind on poiny but he cropped out your shoes!! Ugghh
August 29, 2016I swear IG hubs make up about 15 things on this list lmao! That’s a great one to add, thanks so much for your comment!
August 29, 2016I’m seriously crying/laughing going through all of these! #4 was my life yesterday & not in the positive way! The struggle is SO real. The IG husband things are so good–my hubby was like ‘yep, yep, yep, definitely yep’ hahaha! Loved this idea for a post girl & your execution was perfect!
August 29, 2016I think there needs to be like a group support on FB for the IG hubs of the world to vent and share tips HAHA. It’s so funny how they play such a big part in our blogs and lives, yet would 1000% rather be doing something else rather than taking our pictures. But really, they deserve a round of applause – and an ice cold beer!
August 29, 2016OMG I was laughing out loud at these!!! Your last picture LOLOLOL!!!!
August 29, 2016I’m happy that you loved this post babe! And I know, the cat has me cracking up!!
Nataly Schma
August 29, 2016This post is so funny! I love it!
August 29, 2016Thank you Nataly, I’m glad you enjoyed it!!
Kait Elizabeth
August 29, 2016I was dying reading this list! I love my IG hubby but he’s totally oblivious to pointing things out that I feel are glaringly obvious! Hugs, Kait
August 29, 2016They will learn eventually, hehe.
August 29, 2016OMG, you had me cracking up the ENTIRE time I was reading this, this is too funny and SO relatable! Now I don’t feel as bad because it looks like we’re in the same boat. But seriously, how many times do I have to explain to my Insta Hubby to check my look before taking the shot, omg to #33! Haha, aren’t they such good sports for tolerating us divas?! Thanks so much for sharing this, beauty, and I hope you have a great week ahead!
August 29, 2016I thought it was so funny to tie in the Instagram Husband problems because they are such a big part of our blogging career, hahah! I agree they are good sports and I didn’t give them credit where it’s due – I was totally poking fun at them too, hehe
August 29, 2016My favorite is anchorman syndrome and the cat photo LOL. I can only imagine what this list will look like after NYFW and all of us trying to take photos of each other!! haha
xo Annie
August 29, 2016Right?! I’ve totally been guilty of the Anchorman move. Seriously who wears pants while taking flatlays? Can’t wait for NYFW!
August 29, 2016this is an amazing post! so funny and so spot on!
August 29, 2016Thanks so much Mary!
sarah lindner
August 29, 2016#relatable I laughed at a good many of these
Sarah Lindner
August 29, 2016So happy you enjoyed these
Jenna at Boston Chic Party
August 30, 2016Oh my gosh, this is amazing, but Taylor, that cat at the bottom… I seriously died!! haha! Love it so much
xoxo, Jenna
Boston Chic Party
August 30, 2016The cat kills me HAHAHAH!
August 30, 2016Oh my gosh I love this post so much!!!! 33 and 39 were hits for me, but all of these- so True!! That last one had me in giggles, I would have never thought of that!
August 30, 2016Next time I need a black rug I will be sure to try to get my dog to sit still while I take a flatlay lmao!!!
August 30, 2016This list couldn’t be more true! #2 gets me every time.. I’m always like why? Why couldn’t you have taken the darn thing off? #7 def, but I’m just gonna say that’s not only my insta husband but any of my close friends including my mom who have been forced to take my pic, and #9 will be exciting coming up! Can’t wait to look bundled up when it’s probably going to be 80 degrees lol.. Great collaboration you guys! Loved it!
August 30, 2016I feel like people who take our pictures just don’t understand. They think we are just going it for fun or to be cute, but no mother or IG husband this is very important to me!
I can’t wait for fall weather too, but knowing North Carolina that won’t be until like the end of October.
August 30, 2016This is all so true! I LIVE in sweatpants!
xo Jessica
August 30, 2016Glad you can relate babe!!!
janna doan
August 30, 2016taylor–hey chickadee! it has been a while since i stopped by, you know how that goes! i am crying laughing at this (the good kind of crying). and the wedding cake analogy, that is the perfect way to describe it! LOL #2 is SOOO CLASSIC. hahahah. #3 is like my life. LOL, #4 seems to always be my enemy. #10 LOL #12 i should share my maniac laughing photos. on second thought maybe not lol #14 IS SO TRUE!! #20 how many times has that happened to you?! #25 ON THE DAILY. #39 RIGHT?! and the last one had me rolling LOL. this was a great light hearted post and i REALLY enjoyed i have to add that my biggest problem is when you have the perfect full body shot but it just won’t fit into a FREAKIN SQUARE! haha. thanks so much for sharing the #FWP for fashion bloggers! can’t wait to tweet this. xoxo
janna | http://www.jannadoan.com
August 31, 2016Hello babe! So glad you’re back visiting my blog and that you found this post as hilarious as I did *pats self on back* haha! I literally have been kicked out of a museum because I wanted that cool-girl-looking-at-art photo. Like shoot security guard I’m just doing it for the Insta…
Angelle Marix
August 31, 2016Hahaaaaaa!! These are ALL so good!! I can totally relate to so many. I’m thinking that the wind, lipstick on the teeth, and all of the Instagram husband ones were so my life ????
Loved this!!
August 31, 2016Right? I’m thinking we need to make an IG husband version so the men can vent about us LOL!
August 31, 2016Omg the cat lol I can’t handle that! Number 12 is so true!
Great post!
August 31, 2016I love that you love this!!!
September 3, 2016I literally crying! Love this so much!!
September 3, 2016Thanks for stopping by! I’m so glad you loved this post
September 7, 2016This is HILARIOUS!! Love the cat at the end. I’ve done soooo many of these from taking flower photos at Trader Joes to forgetting how to pose and realizing you have lipstick on your teeth after you’ve finished your photos. I basically live in sweatpants #truth!!
Meaghan xx
September 20, 2016This was super funny!!! and crazy relatable! at least now I know I’m not the only one lol
September 20, 2016Trust me girl, you ain’t the only one
Thanks so much for reading!!
September 28, 2016Hahaha! Love this. I’m new to fashion/style blogging but I can relate to a lot of these. 27 28 & 29 especially. Posing and having it look natural, interesting and attractive is so hard sometimes!
September 28, 2016Thank you Emily, so glad you enjoyed this post