Blue Knit Sweater at Lake Tahoe
My first time in South Lake Tahoe, California certainly didn’t disappoint. Thankfully I had my blue knit sweater to keep me warm during October weather!
Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog by Taylor Aube
Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog by Taylor Aube
My first time in South Lake Tahoe, California certainly didn’t disappoint. Thankfully I had my blue knit sweater to keep me warm during October weather!
As dry, cooler air arrives and humidity drops, skin can lose precious moisture. One skincare brand I love is Palmer’s. The Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula is extremely hydrating during these dry season months.
Booties are such a fun way to add some flare to your style this fall and winter. The only rule about booties is that you can never have enough pairs!
Are you mad for plaid? With the turn of the Fall Equinox, it’s officially plaid season! Check out these 50 gorgeous styles all for under $50!
Check out my outfit I wore while picking peaches and read about why September is the best month of the year! Hello fall fashion!
In college time management can be really difficult. That means a 1-hour hair routine is probably out of the question to make it to your 8AM class. An easy back to school hair style to try this fall semester is a loose curl. I love the undone look it gives! It’s such an effortless style and you can keep it all week with the right amount of dry shampoo In this post I’m sharing all of my favorite Bed Head by TIGI products that I used to style my hair. These products are available at Ulta Beauty, where you can shop all your fall semester beauty needs!