Straw Basket Bags for Spring & Summer
Straw basket bags are my favorite accessories for spring and summer. They are perfect for a Saturday morning stroll or a trip to the farmer’s market.
Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog by Taylor Aube
Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog by Taylor Aube
Straw basket bags are my favorite accessories for spring and summer. They are perfect for a Saturday morning stroll or a trip to the farmer’s market.
April showers brings a bloom of May flowers! I know that sounds super corny, but that saying always makes me so happy – and so does this yellow dress!
I’m sure by now you have caught on to the hottest street style trend that is by far the coziest – sneakers. Sneakers are so forgiving when walking around all day, and the latest styles are sure to turn heads.
When I was doing a photo shoot last week I saw quite a few flowers that were in their early bloom. I was so excited because it finally felt like spring!
I love the warm, neutral colors of this photo shoot. My boho maxi dress is perfect for a casual spring day, or running through fields for a photo shoot!
Welcome Spring! While the spring equinox was nearly a month ago it sure doesn’t feel like spring in most places. In fact, when I took these photos in North Carolina the next few weeks were bitterly cold. Now that I am located in Washington I feel like it’s winter part II. That hasn’t stopped me from thinking all things spring. And just because it doesn’t feel like spring, doesn’t mean it isn’t so let’s embrace is whether it’s 70 or 55 degrees! In this post I am sharing 10 tips to embrace spring to truly get you in the seasonal spirit. I hope they help make your spring brighter.
1. Plant a flower/tree or buy one to leave on your front step
There is nothing that will freshen up your life like some fresh blooms. Even if the grass and trees haven’t caught on that it’s spring, a little pop of color in your front yard or on your front doorstep will brighten up your day. After all, the world laughs in flowers!